First Lutheran Youth Participated in World Vision 30 Hour Famine 2014 to Raise Awareness and Funds to fight World Hunger:
Fri-Sat April 25-26th FLY experienced the 30 Hour Famine. During the 30 Hours we fasted from food, the youth will be learned on a deeper level what it feels like to be really hungry; what is happening around our world where 19,500 children are dying every hour of every day due to starvation and malnutrition; played the TRIBE game to understand what families go through to obtain enough food and water; and Saturday committed an entire day to community service. Then we broke our fast with Holy Communion and sharing a meal together. It was the goal of each participant to try to raise enough funds to feed ONE CHILD FOR A YEAR at $425. Thank you to all who participated and gave. First Lutheran Youth raised over $1000 to help the fight against hunger! |
30 Hour Famine Forms |